National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) The NTRP is the official system for determining the levels of competition for USTA League Tennis. The primary goal of the program is to help all tennis players enjoy the game by providing a method of classifying skill levels for more compatible matches, group lessons, league play, tournaments and other programs. Click here for more information on the NTRP.
Overview of the NTRP Self-Rating System (video tutorial) - Click Here.
Self Rating Overview of the NTRP Self-Rating System (video tutorial) - Click Here
New players enter the program by rating themselves using the NTRP General and Specific Characteristics of Various Playing Levels, located in "National Tennis Rating Program" on the USTA League Tennis web page and in various USTA publications. The opportunity to self-rate is provided at the time a player registers for a team. The USTA publishes the General and Experienced Player Guidelines, a chart indicating minimum rating levels based on a player's tennis history. Click here to see chart.
If you do not agree with the rating received prior to accepting self rate click appeal.
Demo of Self-Rate as New Tennis Player (video tutorial) - Click Here
Instructions of Appealing Your Self-Rating (video tutorial) - Click Here
Players returning to USTA League Tennis will begin their league season with their current NTRP computer rating. If that rating has expired they will self-rate to enter the program.
Demo of Self-Rate as Experienced Tennis Player (video tutorial) - Click Here
Avoid Self-Rate Disqualification If you plan on playing on multiple NTRP level teams your first league season, make sure you play a match at the lower NTRP level first. If you allow someone else to complete your self-rating process, you the player will be ultimately responsible and held accountable for information submitted or omitted. Failure to self-rate in accordance with the Guidelines, or omission of information regarding a player’s tennis history, will subject the player as well as the captain and/or others who completed, assisted, condoned and/or approved an inappropriate self-rating to penalties and suspension.
Three Strikes Disqualifications Dynamic NTRP ratings will be run by the computer during the Adult Division league seasons to determine if any players are "clearly above level" using the current Disqualification Procedure Guidelines. Players will be disqualified if they achieve the currently established "clearly above level" status three times based on all matches reported in the national database for the Adult League Division. This includes all match play in the Adult League division in all sections. Players who reach this disqualification level three times during the championship league year and are subject to NTRP disqualification will be disqualified. Tolerance levels (levels that create a strike) are not disclosed.
Understanding your Year End Rating Calculation (video tutorial) - Click Here